Stay naturally beautiful by using some life hacks

Stay naturally beautiful by using some life hacks

We are going through some unexpected life routines but within a short period of time everything will come to an end and we have to go ahead. So what you say if we are going to make this time useful by applying some tips and tricks to stay healthy and beautiful? Let’s see how you can keep it up without going out from home with She Ayurveda – The finest herbal beauty parlour in Calicut

Take care of your food habits

Make a note of what you put on your plate. Eat fresh fruits, vegetables, enough protein, and vitamins. A diet rich in vitamin C and low in fat and sugar promotes radiant skin. Consider a low sugar diet, which can keep insulin levels low, allowing cells to maintain a healthy balance.

Avoid eating spicy and fermented foods, salt, citrus fruits, fried foods. Instead, they prefer softer foods like rice, oatmeal, and applesauce.

Regular Workout

Exercise regularly. Running, jogging, and practicing yoga will give you the necessary blood circulation and also speed up the cleansing process of your entire body. You will notice a glow on your face after exercising. So exercise will always helpful for you if you are trying to maintain your skin well.

Proper Sleep 

Sleep at least 8 hours every night. If you don’t close your eyes enough, your skin gets tired just like your body. It sinks and you get bags. So don’t take risks. You can also apply honey to your face two to three times a week to soothe and heal your skin naturally. Provide required moisture to your face always.

H2O to the rescue

Always Hydrate. Drink plenty of water daily, at least 8 glasses or more. Also, eat fruits and vegetables that are high in water, such as watermelon, cucumber, orange, strawberry, grapes, and melon. But try not to ignore rose water. It helps prevent and reduce puffiness of the eyes in the morning, maintains pH balance and naturally hydrates the skin if sprayed throughout the day.

Say no to acne

Wash your face thrice a day preferably in warm water and gently massage your face in circular motions. Always keep your face pure and wash regularly. Cleanse your face with a good quality face wash which suits your skin to remove impurities, oil, and dust.

Let’s try Ayurveda

Use Ayurvedic scrubs to nourish the skin and help it breathe easier. We only suggest using ingredients which is going to find in your kitchen. 2 tablespoons of chickpea flour, ½ teaspoon of turmeric powder, a pinch of camphor and sandalwood with a little rose water/milk/water is your perfect skincare package. This method was used in ancient Ayurveda.

So for the time being these are some tips and life hacks we, the #1 herbal beauty parlour in Kerala can suggest for you. Stay home and stay safe. Let’s break the chain for a better tomorrow. Join hands with us. Let’s fight against Covid-19.

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